Code of Ethics
The International Association of Professional Birth Photographers Code of Ethics is intended to encourage and preserve the integrity of the birth photography industry.
I will exhibit professional conduct at all times. This includes interactions with clients, peers, medical professionals, birth team members, support staff, administration and others. I will remember that in each interaction I am the face of the birth photography industry and I represent it as a whole.
I commit to follow all hospital/birth center rules and regulations.
I will be honest and kind to clients, peers and other birth professionals.
It is an industry standard to ensure that I have backup gear when shooting birth photography.
I carry appropriate insurance for my business.
I am accountable to my clients. I abide by our contract in regard to being on call, image
delivery and archiving.
I agree to abide by copyright laws. Copyright infringement is strictly prohibited. This includes both image theft and plagiarism.
I have the appropriate business license in accordance with local laws and regulations.
I pay tax in accordance with the local, state, regional and national laws.
I utilize legal contracts with all clients to protect both my business and my client.
I do not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, age, disability or other factors.
I will show respect for the birth space at all times. This includes respecting the birth choices a family makes, the birth team, care providers, location rules and family members involved.
I agree that the job of the medical staff is a higher priority than getting a particular photograph.
I provide my clients with confidentiality in accordance with our contract at all times. This is particularly important when sharing my presence at a birth as well as images, especially those of intimate nature, on social media. I always make sure I have permission before sharing.