Documentary / The H Family / Family Photographer in Roanoke, Virginia Families, documentaryBeth FarnsworthJanuary 10, 2017documentary, families
Documentary / The C Family / Roanoke, Virginia Photographer Families, documentaryBeth FarnsworthJanuary 5, 2017families
Documentary / Our December / Roanoke Photographer Film Personal Project documentary, roanoke moms seeking mome, Personal ProjectBeth FarnsworthJanuary 3, 2017documentary, personal project, fim, familiesComment
Birth / The D Family / Birth Photographer in Roanoke, Virginia documentary, birthBeth FarnsworthDecember 31, 2016birth photography, birth
Newborn / Baby G / Newborn Photographer in Roanoke, Virginia documentary, NewbornBeth FarnsworthDecember 29, 2016newborn, documentary Comments
Documentary / Roanoke Barber Shop Photography documentary, Children, Personal ProjectBeth FarnsworthDecember 28, 2016children, documentary, lifestyle
Newborn / Baby E / Roanoke, Virginia Photographer documentary, NewbornBeth FarnsworthDecember 28, 2016newborn, documentary, lifestyle
Newborn / Baby H / Roanoke Newborn Photographer Newborn, documentaryBeth FarnsworthDecember 28, 2016newborn photography, roanoke, roanoke va newborn photographer
Documentary / Baby A / Roanoke Fresh 48 Photographer Fresh 48Beth FarnsworthDecember 27, 2016fresh 48
Limited Edition Christmas Sessions in Roanoke, Virginia FamiliesBeth FarnsworthDecember 27, 2016documentary
Newborn / Baby E / Roanoke Newborn Photographer Newborn, documentaryBeth FarnsworthDecember 27, 2016documentary, newborn