On my own parenting journey,
I’ve been so blessed to meet MANY of the people, businesses, and organizations listed on this local resource guide.
Some help keep my family healthy regularly.
Some supported (even possibly saved) my breastfeeding journies.
Some helped my bottle feeding, my exclusively pumping, and my baby led weaning journies.
Some were a kind shoulder as I shared my own personal struggles.
Some were an encouragement as I learned to advocate my own VBA2C.
Some I see daily supporting mothers.
I am a firm advocate in centering yourself with an educated and compassionate tribe.
This is an ever growing list. Reach out if you have any questions or want personal recommendations!

What is a midwife?
A midwife is a trained health professional who helps healthy women during labor, delivery, and after the birth of their babies. Midwives may deliver babies at birthing centers, at home, or in certain hospitals. If you have a low-risk pregnancy and want to have a natural childbirth, working with a midwife may be a great way to go. While there are some naturally minded obstetrician gynecologists out there, studies show that you’ll have fewer medical interventions, with no negative health implications on baby/mom, when you choose midwifery care.
In fact, moms who give birth with midwives are more likely to successfully breastfeed and less likely to experience perineal lacerations (ouch!) when compared with others. Additionally, according to the UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, “the evidence now shows midwife-led units to be safer than hospital for women having a straightforward (low risk) pregnancy.”
Birth Blessing (Hillsville)
Cortney Long CPM, LM
CMG Forest Women’s Center
Traditional Midwifery of Lynchburg
Leslie Payne CPM, LM
*Breath of Life Midwifery
Crystal Fink CPM, LM
Amanda Bunn
Blue Ridge Midwifery
Susan Oshel CPM, LM
*Life’s Little Blessings
Kristen Gibson CPM, LM
Birth Center & Home Births
Luna Midwifery
Degra Nofsinger CPM, LM
New Life Birth Center (Rocky Mount)
Karen Winstead CNM
Roanoke Birth and Perinatal LLC
Birth Center
New River Valley:
Holly Borkert, CNM, IBCLC
Amber Hall, CNM
Pioneer Birth
Sherrie Doss CNM

What is a birth doula?
A doula is a trained professional who provides continues, physical, emotional, and informational support to a mother before, during, and shortly after childbirth to help her achieve the healthiest, most satisfying experience possible. Doulas are not medical professionals. They do not deliver babies or provide medical care.
What is a Postpartum Doula?
A postpartum doula supports a new mom during the first few weeks after birth. They help with care and feeding of the baby, as well as household tasks. Many postpartum doulas also offer help and support with breastfeeding.
Central Virginia Doulas
Lynn Owens Joshua
Kerrisa Williams
Sarah Virginia
Special Treasure Doula Services
Anna Ree Rucker
*Beth Farnsworth
Brenda Rose
Catie Foster
*Colleen Smith
*Dominique Gallo
Donna Price
*Kayla Gardunio
Placenta Encapsulation
*Sherrié Bocock
*Veronika Brazda

Baby Cafe
Best Start Parenting Center
Breastfeeding In The Burg
La Leche League - Lynchburg
Postpartum Support Virginia
*BREAST Roanoke
*Breath of Life Midwifery
Erin VandeLinde
Hablo español
*Gallo Birth Services
Dominique Gallo
*Katherine Havener
Lactation Connection
Vicky Honer
La Leche League - Roanoke
Lewis Gale Pediatrics
Debbie Davis
Physicians To Children
Daphne Damon
(540) 344-9213
Roanoke Memorial Hospital
Kendra Carroll
Lisa Ann Dooley
*Lisa Strickland
Robyn Roth
Vicki Snyder
New River Valley:
Lewis Gale - Blacksburg
La Leche League - Blacksburg
The Lactation Center & Shoppe at Carilion New River Valley Medical Center

How can chiropractic care help during my pregnancy?
Your body is changing rapidly. During this rapid change (along with hormones like relaxin that make things a little loosey-goosey in your body), it may be difficult to maintain good alignment in your spine and pelvis. Not only can this cause discomfort throughout pregnancy, but it can also make the birth more challenging. Mommas who utilize chiropractic throughout their pregnancy report shorter labor times, decreased use of medical interventions in birth, and improved recover from labor and delivery.
What is Webster technique and why does it matter?
Webster technique is a specific technique designed to address the pelvic alignment as well as ligaments associated with pregnancy. Your uterus is directly connected to your sacrum by way of the uterosacral ligament. If there is any misalignment in your sacrum (which is very common), this will cause uneven pulling on your uterus. This uneven pulling can cause tightness and poor positioning for the uterus, causing issues like round ligament discomfort, intrauterine growth restriction, fetal malposition like breech or transverse, as well as overall discomfort and pains. By addressing all the components of a rapidly changing body with Webster technique, we are able to ensure proper alignment and movement so you can have a safe and comfortable pregnancy and birth!
Brown Chiropractic
Light Chiropractic
Wimmer Chiropractic (Forest)
*Chernichky Family Chiropractic
*New Life Chiropractic
InnerSun Family Chiropractic
Moretti Chiropractic
*Tower’s Family Chiropractic
Tuck Chiropractor
New River Valley:
Dr. A. Hope Tobey
Cranial Sacral Therapy
Manifesting Wellness (Floyd)
Tuck Chiropractic
Labor & Delivery Education

CVA Doulas
Virginia Baptist Hospital
Central Health
The Motherhood Collective
*Breath Of Life Midwifery
Crystak Fink CPM, LM
Carillion Roanoke Hospital
Childbirth, Newborn Care, Infant Safety
CPR, Grandparents, & Breastfeeding Education
*Gallo Birth Services
Dominique Gallo
Lactation Connection
Vicky Honer
Lewis Gale Hospital
Birth Support Classes
Lactation Classes
*The Birth Nurse
Mandy Irby, RN
Spinning Babies
New River Valley:
Mindful Birthing Classes
MomaRees Doula Services
HypnoBirthing Childbirth
Rhythm Of Birth
Childbirth & Postpartum Training
Additional Support

*Babywearers of Lynchburg
*Lynchburg Cloth Diapering Mamas
Katelyn Bosch
Prenatal and Postpartum Health Physical Therapist
Revive Postpartum
Placenta Encapsulation
Professional Birth & Family Photographer
Beth Farnsworth Photography
Birth & Baby Photographer
Beth Farnsworth Photography
*Blue Ridge Women’s Center
Prenatal Support (testing, dating, counseling, life skills)
Breastfeeding Classes
Childbirth Education
Chicadee Mom
Placenta Encapsulation
Jessie Hirsh
*Proud Cloth Diaper Mommies of Roanoke
*Roanoke Babywearing Group
*Roanoke Valley Parents Of Multiples
Uttara Yoga
Ultrasound America
New River Valley:
*Blacksburg Babywearing Group
First Look Imaging
Ultrasound Services
Downey Dog Yoga
Dr. A. Hope Tobey
Cranial Sacral Therapy
Dr. Katie Edson
Primary & Postpartum Care
Pediatric Sleep Consultant
Professional Birth & Baby Photographer
Beth Farnsworth Photography
Sleep Coach
Tapestry Yoga
Note: All businesses, organizations, and people with an * are providers that I have personal experience with, either personal or professional, and would recommend highly.