Birth Story Questions
These questions can help refresh your memory to piece together your birth story!
1.How did you know you were going into labor? Did your water break or did you have strong contractions?
2.Who did you tell first? Mom,dad,grandparents,partner?
3. Did you have a home birth, birth center birth or hospital birth? Or did you even make it to the hospital?
4.What was going on the day you went into labor? Anything special that you want to remember? Partner coming home from a long trip, grandparents wedding anniversary?
5.What time of day was it? Morning/afternoon/night?
6.Did you have a birth plan?
7.Did you have a birth team?
8.If you did, how was the birth experience with that team?
9.If you didn’t who was there as your support partner?
10.Did you have a medicated or unmedicated birth?
11.If you had a medicated birth, what thoughts were running through your mind? Were you scared or concerned at all? Did you feel relief after?
12.What was one moment during your birth that you remember? Describe it for me.
13. During your labor did you have a position or was there something that helped relieve the pain more?
14.What was the most exciting thought for you as you were being told that “baby is almost here, keep pushing”?
15. After going home and getting back into a new routine what is one thing that you found to help you that you would like to share with other parents?