When To Text

-When you think maybe labor has started. Even if it fizzles!

-When you reach out to your midwife or other care provider about possibly being in labor

-You start to get ready to head to the birth center or hospital

When To Call

 -Your water breaks

-Contractions are increasing in strength and frequency

-Contractions are 1 minute long for an hour

-Contractions are every 5 minutes or less

-5cm dilated

Beth’s Client Only Phone Number: 540 - 527 - 3071


Communication is key during your early stages of labor so that I can arrive when you are in active labor. I would rather be too early than too late. After our initial contact (which must be a 2-way conversation), I will ask that you keep me updated every 60-90 minutes, or when there is an update on how you are laboring (increasing contractions, cervical check changes, your water breaks, you are receiving an epidural or pitocin, etc) Per the contract, it will take me 40-60 minutes to meet you at your place of birth! As a birth professional, I have experienced enough births to know how to not arrive too early, but proper communication is necessary!

Make sure to save my contact information to your phone, as well as anyone on your birth team (including your partner!) Your spouse may need to be the one to contact me and this will help them know how to reach me! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me and ask!

when to call your birth doula in roanoke hospital
birth newborn baby in hospital